Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Well Xmas has come and gone for us here in Alimos, Boat Yard, Santa came and dropped a few new yachts into this mess of a yard, goodness knows where he found the room to put them... but they are here... some where.... if you can spot one let me know ....

The Cataramans have been relagated to the outside wall, they provide an additional barrier against the southerly seas that break over the breakwater here... actually its a good place for them... we will see how many remain at the end of winter...LOL>>>

it became apparent that we have alot of work still to do on K3 to get her ready for the start of the season. Never mind the thousands of other yachts that are currently 'Sitting" here in the yard. Their owners will un-doubtly leave things to the last minute as always and rush the whole mess back into the water just in time to make their first charter... some time in April !

So here she is with out her masts on deck.... a very strange sight to say the least

On the good news bad news front.... good news All primer paint and fairing has been completed on both K3 masts, now its a case of sanding and painting the final color coat. Which should happen after the New Years bash....

On the Bad news front.. we had to pull Calypso's mast as she had developed a serious problem with the mast shoe at the bottom of the mast... actually it has more or less disolved, the Clever boat builders had placed the Aluminmum shoe on top of a steel backing plate that connected to the keel bolts. Over the years the electrolysis had eaten away nearly all the underlayers of the shoe... Captain Michael only noticed it about 2 weeks before Christmas when he thought that the standing rigging was a little loose and the 3 spreader rig was bending in the wind causing Calypso to rock in her cradle rather alarmingly...

We both did some basic BN poking around at the bottom of the mast and when his screw driver went right though the Mast shoe... we kind of decided that we had a little bit of a problem..

Any way just as well to find it now rather than at sea while sailing in big winds... So here is Calypso all clean now with NO shitty antifouling left on her bottom, and ready for a primer coat before anti fouling... and her massive 3 spreader 31 meter mast on the ground... god that thing is a monster...

The Crew is off for the New Year, Captain Michael is going back to Croatia to see his Mum.... Uncle Nickos is staying here with the Famaily and our resident BN Kostas is already in Albania. The boss and his lady are off to Prague for a few days to see the sights and freeze my nuts off, So I will take pictures and let you all know what the city is like..

I hope Every one has a great New Year and I will see you all soon




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